HOW TO GET RID OF RABBITS UNDER DECK (4 things you have to know)

Decks, a sanctuary of relaxation and entertainment, often hide a secret: a bustling community of furry intruders. Yes, rabbits – adorable from afar, but not so endearing when they’ve turned the underside of your deck into their personal warren. Discovering how to bid adieu to these deck-dwelling hoppers becomes a mission, a delicate dance of deterring their mischief without harm. Unveiling the secrets to evicting these fluffy tenants involves a blend of clever tactics, humane methods, and a touch of wild chase.



Tackling the challenge of evicting rabbits nesting beneath your deck involves strategic methods like rabbit deterrents, deck barriers, and humane trapping. Rabbits under the deck cause havoc, gnawing on wires, burrowing, and wreaking havoc in gardens.

Effective removal entails identifying entry points, utilizing natural repellents, and employing live traps for relocation. Establishing a rabbit-resistant perimeter with wire mesh, sealing gaps, and regular inspections is key to preventing their return. Say goodbye to deck-dwelling rabbits with these expert-endorsed strategies.


Identifying the entry points that rabbits exploit to access the underside of your deck requires a methodical and comprehensive examination of the deck’s perimeter. Start by inspecting the area meticulously, leaving no stone unturned. Check for any potential gaps, crevices, or openings that could serve as gateways for these nimble intruders. Rabbits, with their innate ability to navigate tight spaces, often exploit even the smallest of openings, so attention to detail is paramount.

Look closely at the foundation, especially around the base where it meets the ground. These spots frequently harbor gaps that rabbits might exploit for entry. Additionally, inspect the area near the deck for holes that rabbits might have dug to create access points. Often, these holes are inconspicuous, camouflaged amidst the surrounding terrain.

Moreover, examine the spaces beneath lattice work or any other structures adjoining the deck, as these areas might offer an easy passage for rabbits seeking shelter. Combining vigilance with a meticulous examination of these potential entry points is the cornerstone in successfully identifying and subsequently securing the vulnerabilities that allow rabbits to infiltrate the space beneath your deck.


Utilizing natural deterrents strategically can effectively dissuade rabbits from making your deck’s underside their cozy hideaway. When applying deterrents, consider predator urine, a potent odor that sends signals of danger to these cautious creatures, prompting them to seek safer grounds. Another effective option is garlic, emitting a strong scent that rabbits find unpleasant, thus deterring their interest in the area.

Hot pepper flakes, when sprinkled around the entry points, create an uncomfortable sensation for rabbits’ sensitive noses, discouraging their presence. Incorporating strong-smelling herbs such as mint, thyme, or rosemary can contribute to making the environment less appealing for rabbits. These aromatic herbs not only add a pleasant fragrance but also repel rabbits due to their strong scents. Furthermore, surrounding the deck with strongly scented plants like marigolds or lavender creates a natural barrier that rabbits find unappealing.

The combination of these natural scents and odors creates an environment that rabbits are inclined to avoid, reducing the likelihood of them nesting or causing damage under your deck. Employing these natural deterrents not only safeguards your deck but also maintains a harmonious outdoor space without causing harm to these furry visitors.


When facing a persistent rabbit presence under your deck, resorting to humane trapping methods becomes a viable solution. Opt for live traps explicitly designed for capturing small animals. These traps offer a safe and non-lethal means of dealing with the infestation. Strategically position these traps near the identified entry points, ensuring they’re set in areas frequented by the rabbits.

Entice the rabbits with enticing bait such as fresh vegetables or fruits placed inside the trap to attract their attention. Once a rabbit is captured, it’s crucial to handle the situation with care and compassion. Safely relocate the captured rabbits to a suitable area far from your property, ensuring they are released into a habitat where they can thrive without causing disturbances.

By employing humane trapping methods, you not only mitigate the issue under your deck but also prioritize the well-being of these creatures, ensuring a humane and ethical approach to their removal.


Once the rabbits have been effectively removed from under your deck, maintaining a rabbit-free zone requires consistent vigilance and preventive measures. Conduct routine inspections, ideally on a monthly basis, to ensure there are no signs of rabbit activity or new entry points. Thoroughly examine the deck’s perimeter, scrutinizing for any potential gaps, holes, or spaces that rabbits could exploit to regain access.

Seal off these identified entry points using durable materials like wire mesh or plywood, ensuring a secure barrier against rabbit intrusion. Focus on areas where the deck meets the ground, as these spots are often vulnerable to rabbit entry. Additionally, fill in any burrowed holes near the deck to discourage rabbits from attempting to re-establish their shelter.

Consider installing barriers such as fences or hardware cloth around the perimeter of the deck to reinforce its defenses further. These barriers act as an additional obstacle, making it challenging for rabbits to access the underside of the deck. Regular maintenance and proactive measures are key to preventing the return of rabbits, safeguarding your deck from future infestations, and ensuring a peaceful and undisturbed outdoor space.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ’s) regarding getting rid of rabbits under a deck:

What attracts rabbits to nest under decks?

Rabbits are drawn to the sheltered space beneath decks for protection and warmth, especially during breeding seasons. Additionally, they might seek easy access to nearby gardens for food.

How do I know if there are rabbits under my deck?

Signs include burrowed holes near the deck, droppings, chewed wires or plants, and sometimes even the rabbits themselves seen entering or exiting the area.

Are there humane methods to remove rabbits from under the deck?

Yes, humane trapping using live traps is a recommended method. Once captured, the rabbits can be safely relocated to a suitable environment far from your property.

What natural repellents deter rabbits from nesting under the deck?

Strong-smelling substances like predator urine, garlic, hot pepper flakes, or certain herbs can discourage rabbits from inhabiting the space beneath the deck.

Can I block off the area under the deck to prevent rabbits from getting in?

Yes, sealing gaps and installing wire mesh or lattice work around the perimeter of the deck can effectively prevent rabbits from accessing the space underneath.

How do I locate entry points for rabbits under the deck?

Thoroughly inspect the deck’s perimeter, looking for gaps, holes, or spaces that rabbits might use to enter. Common areas include gaps in the foundation or spaces near lattice work.

Is it necessary to remove rabbits from under the deck?

While rabbits themselves might not cause direct harm, their burrowing and chewing behavior can damage the deck structure and nearby gardens. Removal is recommended to prevent potential damage.

How often should I inspect my deck for rabbit activity?

Regular inspections, especially before and after breeding seasons, are advised. Check for new burrowed holes, chewed wires, or droppings that indicate their presence.

Are there professional services available for rabbit removal under decks?

Yes, many pest control or wildlife removal services specialize in humane rabbit removal from residential areas, ensuring safe and effective methods.

Can I prevent rabbits from returning once removed from under the deck?

Yes, reinforcing the deck’s barriers, filling burrowed holes, and using natural deterrents can significantly reduce the likelihood of rabbits returning. Regular maintenance and inspections are also crucial in prevention.


In the quest to banish rabbits from under your deck, a harmonious balance between deterrence and humane removal emerges as the key. Armed with strategies to fortify the deck’s defenses, employing natural repellents, and utilizing humane trapping methods, reclaiming your outdoor haven becomes a feasible reality.

With diligent vigilance and proactive measures, preventing the return of these furry guests ensures a lasting solution. Bid farewell to the rabbit residency under your deck, welcoming back tranquility and safeguarding your outdoor space from their charming yet disruptive presence.

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